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EFFE in “The Boys” film

ù   Davide Ferrario’s film with Neri Marcorè, Marco Paolini, Giovanni Storti and Giorgio Tirabassi opened the sixty-seventh edition of the Taormina Film Fest 2020. “The Boys” tells the story of four musicians: Joe, Carlo, Bobo and Giacomo, members of the “vintage” rock band called “The Boys”, which in the 70s had success before returning...

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Inaugurazione mondiali sci Cortina 2021, Gianna Nannini Cortina, Gabbani Cortina, Worls Championship 2021

Cortina 2021 – Opening Ceremony – FIS Alpine World Ski Championships

CORTINA 2021 – Opening Ceremony – FIS Alpine World Ski Championships Quartetto Effe on stage with Gianna Nannini, Francesco Gabbani, Alfa, Jacopo Mastrangelo, Andrea Casta “A CORTINA ABBIAMO SUONATO CON LE DITA CONGELATE, MA FINALMENTE DAL VIVO” Article by Adriana Riccomagno for La Stampa Il loro segreto è la sorellanza, spiegano. E’ un mix intrigante...

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entertainment, evento, musica, musicisti, band

Transpotec Logitec 2019 – Veronafiere

Lumesia is the only global ecosystem of integrated and personalised services in Europe, able to guarantee the best operational management of vehicles and fleets. The group, with its brand Toremar, Tirrenia Compagnia Italiana Navigazione, Moby also confirms this year its presence at Transpotec Logitec to present large projects in the future. A constant work to offer services of excellence to all drivers: Geolocation, tolls, dedicated customer care and more. A real new world in the transportation industry....

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Opening Uci Luxe Campi Bisenzio end Marcon

Quartetto Effe in flash mob for l’Opening Uci Luxe Campi Bisenzio e Marcon The Effe string quartet for the Opening of Uci Luxe Campi Bisenzio and Marcon. Great success for the gala event called "Relax and recline" dedicated to the opening of the new UCI Luxe Campi Bisenzio Firenze and UCI Luxe Venezia Marcon, the innovative and luxurious multiplex of UCI Cinemas, the most important film circuit in Italy. The new cinema reopen to the public in a completely renewed version where viewers will enjoy a cinema experience for quality, comfort and style. New reclining luxury armchairs of the last......

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Remake Your Life

"Sold out" for the event “Remake your Life” opened by the concert of the Effe string Quartet Great success for RemakeYourLife, the first experiential course of life Design and financial Yoga in Italy, dedicated to minimalistic entrepreneurs and all those who intend to Rewrite the film of one's life through the remake of the current one. The event, with the aim of developing a wealth of awareness monetizing its talents, has seen involved more than 1034 people from all over Italy and took place in three days from 8 to 10 December in Venice. To lead the course Davide Francesco......

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Niccolò Torielli, nemo clinical center

10 years of “Nemo Clinical Center”

"Add a seat to the table".... The Effe string quartet for the 10 years of “Nemo Clinical Center” Many realities have contributed to the third edition of the gala dinner ' Add a seat to the table ', an event sponsored by the Clinical Nemo Center in Milan, in November 24 in the South Gallery of the Niguarda hospital. Not an evening whatsoever, but an opportunity to turn the spotlight on a complex problem: the dysphagia. The aim of the project is to raise public awareness of the importance of taking care of the nutritional aspects of those who live......

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Disco anni ’90 – Neja feat. Quartetto Effe

Event of the summer 2018 is that on the 13th August where in the Music Hall of "Il Clubbino", beautiful location that overlooks the Gulf of Policastro in Calabria have exhibited the girls of Quartetto Effe with Neja, pseudonym of Agnese Cacciola, the Queen of the Night of the 90 years that with her single "Restless" sold 4 million of copies. The most beautiful hits of the "90s Disco Music'" acquire a new identity thanks to the performance of String quartet whose music blends with dance rhythms contributing to the success of the evening. An unprecedented spectacle. A union of......

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70 years of Porsche

For its 70 years, Porsche organized a special meeting with 70 models of Porshce car belonging to each epoch. The meeting, called "Sportscar Together – The Italian Tour", is part of the partnership between Porsche Italy and FAI to give to all participants the possibility to visit places of artistic heritage along the way. The "Sportscar Together – The Italian Tour" will take place from May to October and will make all participants go over 1200 kilometers in six stages, from north to south, along the most exciting roads of Italian peninsula. The musical entertainment of the first stage Veneto/Lombardia......

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CONI Piemonte

Ceremony – CONI 2018

Annual Prize - Giving 2018 - CONI PIEMONTE On the 1st of March, in the presence of all the highest positions of the Piedmontese sport and the political charges, was held the inauguration ceremony of the 2018 Piedmont Sport year organized by Coni Piemonte at the Teatro Regio in Turin accompanied by the music of the Effe String Quartett and by the splendid voice of Francesca Pasini. Special Guest, the president of the national CONI Giovanni Malagò, who praised the sporting initiatives of the whole Piedmont territory and remembered the good results obtained at the recent Winter Olympics in Korea,......

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